Maintenance Cost & Odor Reduction at Waste Water Treatment Facility

  • PROJECT Waste Water Facility PROJECT Waste Water Facility
  • PROJECT Waste Water Facility PROJECT Waste Water Facility
  • PROJECT Waste Water Facility PROJECT Waste Water Facility
  • PROJECT Waste Water Facility PROJECT Waste Water Facility


  • Size of each clarifier: 110 foot diameter
  • Area of scum cover: 240 lineal feet
  • Scum piping and valves
  • Waco Project Manager : Gary Drake
  • Waco Superintendent: Charlie Branscomb

About This Project

Several factors can influence a clarifier’s performance at a waste water treatment facility. One of the toughest issues is the build-up of algae along the effluent launder channel. Excessive algae growth can limit the flow along the channel and reduce the clarifier’s effectiveness. It is also a chronic maintenance issue that requires frequent cleaning. Failure to perform these cleanings affects the overall productivity of the facility.


Unique Project Challenges

Through a competitive bid process Waco was awarded the work to install Protecto-Lite fiberglass covers over two clarifiers. These covers are attached along the entire perimeter of the clarifier and must be securely anchored to the concrete walls using SS bolts and an epoxy bonding compound. Once in place, these covers reduced the peak summertime cleaning requirements from once a week to approximately twice every three months – resulting in a major cost saving for this maintenance activity.

Odor is another issue that these facilities need to control. Waco was also awarded the contract to install new piping and scum covers in the solids separation process area of the plant. Three sections were to be completed, but in order to keep the facility in operation, only one section could be done at a time. Blow plugs were inserted into the 18 in diameter piping to prevent any over flow from one section to the other. The original scum covers were made of aluminum and were cumbersome to remove, and presented certain safety hazards. The new covers were made of a strong reinforced fabric that was easy to remove and install. They also had an improved sealing system which further reduced the odors coming from this part of the facility. Waco’s waste water treatment contractor team was able to coordinate their schedules with the plant operations personnel and complete all three sections over a 2 week period.


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