Download a Manufacturer’s SDS (PDF format):

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If the SDS you are looking for is not available here, you should:
1. Call your assigned Waco Inc. office and request that a copy of the SDS that you need be sent to you. A copy of all SDS applicable to your work are kept at you local Waco Inc. office.
2.Call your supervisor. Your supervisor will immediately get you a copy of the requested SDS.
In the event that your purchase a chemical product that we do not normally stock, it will be necessary for you to obtain a copy of the SDS from the source where you obtained the product. If that is not possible, you must notify you supervisor that we need to immediately obtain a copy of the SDS for that product.
3M Company
Scotch-Weld Nitrile Plastic Adhesive 1099


ABC Compounding Company
Tek-Trol Disinfectant Cleaner


Aiken Chemical Company, Inc.
Purple Power
Allegro Industries
Irritant Smoke Tube
Ram-Tack Adhesive
Armacell Engineered Foams
Armafinish 99 White/gray
Armaflex 520 Adhesive
Armaflex WB Finish
Fire Extinguisher – ABC Dry Chemical
The Blaster Corporation
PB Penetrating Catalyst
Chem Tech, Inc.
Spray Rite Citrus Degreaser


Childers Products (H.B. Fuller)
Childers CP-10
Childers CP-33
Childers CP-70