Archive: Nov 2024

Comprehensive Contracting Services for Industrial Success

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Industrial facilities that are looking to hire or contract out construction services should evaluate all the capabilities of a contractor. Many are limited in the scope of services they provide and often claim to be industrial contractors, when in fact, they are commercially focused contractors. Waco offers a comprehensive package of services and has a successful history of working in industrial environments. Our use of our own in-house craftsman and limited use of subcontractors can be exactly what an owner or manager of an industrial facility needs. This article explores the wide range of services provided by Waco for the efficient operation of industrial facilities.

Equipment Installation

Waco can furnish and install all types of equipment, including vessels, tanks, pumps, boilers, chillers, compressors, heat exchangers and many other industrial items. We have an established history with quality manufactures whom we rely on for technical knowledge on the proper setting and alignment of critical equipment. We can store the equipment in our safe and secure warehouse before it is required to be placed. We have certified and trained riggers with the ability to safely navigate precision equipment around multiple obstacles within an industrial environment. Waco’s has experience in coordinating with control technicians and electricians prior to installing equipment, and can facilitate easier connections to power and air requirements.

Process Piping

A process mechanical piping contractor must be able to work with a variety of different metallurgies, such as copper, carbon steel, stainless steel, hastelloy, chromium, nickel, aluminum and several others. All of these require specific welding and pipe fitting expertise. Any miscalculation or misapplication of the proper piping type or welding flux could cause system failure, increased corrosion and drastically reduced life cycle of the system. In addition, certain chemicals are best transported through PVC or CPVC piping systems for which we have trained fusion welders and fitters. Our in depth Quality Assurance and Quality Control manual provides a comprehensive guideline for our inspection managers to utilize. This allows us to provide a complete report on the materials used, where they were procured, how and by whom it was welded, and documentation of the welder’s credentials. All this verification and review is essential for a facility owner or manager to have when he begins operation of these systems. Waco is accredited with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and is authorized to use the R symbol. We are also authorized to apply the “NB” mark and register boilers, pressure vessels or other pressure retaining items with the National Board. Waco holds an ASME Certification for the Manufacture and Assembly of Power Boilers (S), and for the Manufacture of Pressure Vessels (U).

Concrete and Grouting

Waco’s in-house concrete specialists can provide site preparation, concrete slabs, foundation pads, drainage trenches, retaining walls and columns. Ensuring that equipment such as pumps, compressors, chillers remain stable and unaffected by vibration takes skill and expertise. Ensuring that the weight of tanks, vessels and steel columns will be properly supported requires using the right technology and a complete understanding of the substructure. Our project managers know which grouts work best for each application and will make sure the system is placed correctly for long life stability and corrosion resistance.

Ventilation and Exhaust

All manufacturing facilities have varying ventilation requirements. Some plants need constant air exchanges to provide proper cooling or fresh air, while others may want as little air flow as possible. Some manufacturing processes, especially those requiring thermal oxidizers, may have fumes that need to be quickly exhausted from the process system. A comprehensive mechanical contractor will be capable of furnishing, fabricating and installing a custom system with all the correct components for each application. Waco has this expertise and capability. In addition, we also have an HVAC group that specializes in requirements for heating and cooling industrial environments. Our duct fabrication shop has the metal forming equipment necessary to tackle large duct applications. Many commercial mechanical contractors do not have this capability.

Structural Steel

The extensive use of structural steel beams and columns are essential for the support of equipment. Waco works with some of the top structural engineering firms to determine the proper steel support system that is sufficient for the load. Different manufacturing environments will determine what type of support should be used and which ones perform best.. A quality industrial contractor will also know what is best for each application. Waco has fabricated and installed structural steel in a wide variety of adverse and corrosive conditions.

Insulation / Freeze Protection

Once piping and equipment is aligned and tested, our insulation team can install the electric heat tracing (if freeze protection is required) and insulation system. Often major chemical plants, pharmaceutical centers, paper mills and power generation facilities have their own insulation specifications for thermal, acoustical and personnel protection of piping and equipment. Waco has decades of experience in these types of facilities and understands the safety requirements and the critical importance of a quality installation. You can spot the workmanship differences from a dedicated industrial insulation contractor versus a commercial insulation contractor. This is because industrial insulators have exposure and experience working with the many different types of insulation and cladding needed in an industrial environment. A commercial insulation contractor usually deals with fewer insulation material types and simpler systems to install.


Demolition can be defined in many ways in industrial facilities. Typically equipment will need to be dismantled and either removed and scrapped or stored for later use. The piping, hydraulics and other components are usually disposed of. It is critical that these systems are properly drained of any chemicals or fluids prior to removal. Electrical and control systems need to be completely de-energized before proceeding with demolition and disposal. Saw cutting and jackhammering of concrete pads, foundations and pipe supports must be done precisely, safely and without releasing silica dust into the surrounding area. Waco can make certain that all underslab testing is performed prior to any removal. Proper coordination and planning is something Waco has done for many years. Our experienced teams can spot potential issues early in the process in order to prevent any project delays.


Waco has for over 50 years provided abatement and remediation of environmental hazards such as Asbestos and Lead. In facilities that have been operating prior to the 1980’s these two hazards are commonly found and must be properly removed and disposed of before most demolition or new construction can occur. Waco is a licensed abatement contractor. We can help implement a plan of action and provide a full team of trained and certified abatement workers. We will maintain all the proper paperwork required and dispose of materials in an approved landfill. The Waco Environmental team can work directly for an onsite industrial hygienist or provide a list of qualified environmental inspectors and consultants.

Waco, Inc.: Your #1 Contractor for Comprehensive Industrial Services

Waco, Inc. is a leading industrial contractor that offers comprehensive and customized services across Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, DC, and North Carolina. Our specialized solutions are designed to meet the unique needs of various facilities and processes, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency. With advanced fabrication capabilities and a skilled project management team, we guarantee every project is completed safely and on schedule.

Contact us today for reliable, expert solutions tailored to your industrial needs! You can also request a quote now.